Friday, 25 September 2015

Fresh Faces

This week we welcomed some new starters in Years 10 and 11. Our new Year 10 employee Dequan has already enjoyed a taste of Motor Vehicle Maintenance. 

Meanwhile, our new Year 11 employees have begun Unit 3 of the BTEC First Certificate in Art and Design. They’ve already produced some fantastic sketches. 

Demonstrating great ingenuity, Shania scanned the base of a model duck to produce the foundation for a new sketch of a mouse.

Our veteran employees in Year 11 are continuing with Unit 12 of the same BTEC course, creating bespoke Hi-Vis jackets (modeled here by Rain) for a concert security team.  

We’re looking forward to taking two of our Year 11 employees to Clapham Picturehouse next week to see Justin Kurzel’s new adaption of 'Macbeth'.

We're also looking back on the past two weeks and marveling at the progress our employees have already made this term. We'd like to share a few video highlights with you...

Friday, 18 September 2015

Back In Business

This week saw our Year 11 cohort hit the ground running. On Tuesday, they headed out to buy Hi-Vis jackets, which they will customise next week as part of their current Textiles unit. They are now well on their way to completing Unit 12 of the BTEC First Certificate in Art and Design. 

Later in the week, our Year 11s returned to their core subjects as well.

Luis (pictured left) even demonstrated to the class how to calculate significant figures and standard form.

Meanwhile, our Year 10 employees have been learning about bicycle maintenance at the Young Lewisham Project. They’ll soon be moving on to larger vehicles…  

Friday, 11 September 2015

Moving On Up

This week we moved into our new premises in Cromwell Road, Camberwell. You can watch a few video highlights below.

Next week, we will begin delivering core and creative subjects and this year’s programme will be in full swing. 

One of our Year 10 employees, Shakai, has already enjoyed a taste of work at the Young Lewisham Project. Next week, he will begin to study bicycle maintenance. 

You can learn more about the Young Lewisham Project here or by taking a look at our previous blog post.

We look forward to showing you our students in action next week!

Saturday, 5 September 2015

New Horizons

Yesterday we visited two different sites that will each play an integral part in the future of the Passport Programme. The first stop on our tour was the Cromwell Road site, where Passport will be based for the foreseeable future. Here, in the heart of Lambeth, teachers and artists will deliver core and creative arts subjects.  

We hope to move into Cromwell Road by the end of next week, by which time these spaces will be painted, furnished and equipped with state-of-the-art IT resources.

The second stop on our tour was the Young Lewisham Project,  where our employees will be studying Motor Vehicle Maintenance. Dave Newman (pictured right) was kind enough to show us the fantastic resources available here, which include an outside allotment (complete with chicken coop), numerous workshops, and social spaces where young people can relax and bond.

We’re very excited about this year’s programme, and we can’t wait to see our young learners get to grips with their various vocations. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @Pp2eProgramme and visit our website for more updates on our growth and development. To learn more about the Young Lewisham Project and the courses they offer, visit