Friday, 27 May 2016

Divine Inspiration

This week began with our Year 10 Creative Industries employees venturing to St John the Divine Kennington for further inspiration for Unit 3 of Level 2 BTEC Art and Design. 

Below you can enjoy a selection of photos from the trip, including a mixed media piece produced by Keon upon his return to our Creative Industries hub.

Our Year 11 employees sat their GCSE Maths exam on Thursday morning, and left feeling confident that their commitment to revision had paid off.

As we approach the half term break, we look forward to the final six weeks of teaching, in which our Year 10 Creative Industries employees will begin working for their Silver Arts Award and make further progress on their Level 2 BTEC courses in Art and Design and Creative Digital Media Production.

Friday, 20 May 2016

Caught in the Web

This week, creativity has spilled out of the classroom. Year 10 employees following the Creative Industries pathway embarked on a trip to Myatt’s Corner Café to find inspiration for their sketch work.

You can see them at work in the video below, as well as a glimpse of their output, which will contribute to their portfolios for Unit 3 of BTEC Art and Design.

Meanwhile, Year 11 Creative Industries employees have been working indoors, building websites for Unit 6 of BTEC Creative and Digital Media Production. 

After Monday’s Media exam, they’re relishing the opportunity to jump back into a creative exercise. We look forward to sharing some of their finished products next week.

In other exam news, more students have achieved their ECDL certificates and more have passed their Functional Skills exams. Our Year 11 employees spent Friday in their second of three revision workshops in preparation for their GCSE Maths exam on May 26th. Join us in wishing them every success next week!

Friday, 13 May 2016

Heating Up

As the weather improves, so do the prospects of our learners as they continue to sit their GCSE examinations. This week, Year 11 employee Tyrese passed another Functional Skills exam; English Reading.

More Year 10 employees have completed their ECDL ICT qualification. Their certificates will be arriving with us shortly.

Year 11 employees following the Creative Industries pathway have been revising hard for Monday’s Creative Digital Media Production Unit 1 exam. Before they finish the course, they have one more unit to complete; Website Production. We look forward to sharing their finished websites, and sharing their experiences of Monday’s exam.

Friday, 6 May 2016


This week, Year 10 employee Keon began Unit 3 of BTEC Art and Design (First Certificate). During this unit, he will explore 2D visual language and working practices. Using some of the photos he produced last week for Unit 10 of BTEC Creative Digital Media Production (First Certificate), Keon experimented with different 2D techniques.

We’re looking forward to more opportunities for crossover between the two courses, which we’re delivering concurrently to employees following the Creative Industries pathway this year. Enjoy some of Keon's work in the video below, and see how both subjects supported his workflow.

On Wednesday, our Year 11 employees all arrived punctually to sit their English Language IGCSE exam. They are currently revising hard as they begin to complete their final BTEC units and sit their remaining core subject examinations.